Raspberry pi mac emulator file system
Raspberry pi mac emulator file system

raspberry pi mac emulator file system

It is important to check the case of all file names, directory names, and programme names when using the command shell.

#Raspberry pi mac emulator file system windows#

Unlike Windows systems, Linux is case sensitive the names of files and of programmes take case into account, and as such: Create Multiple Virtual Shell Instances with the Screen Tool.Installing Programmes via the Raspbian Package Manager (APT).The Top Command: Monitoring Running Processes: CPU and Memory Loads, and More.Running a Command at Regular Intervals with the Watch command.Monitoring Temperature, Voltage, and Component Speeds: vcgencmd.Safely Shutting Down the Pi: Using Halt and Shutdown.Accessing the Command Line (a.k.a Command Shell).Sharing files with other systems on the network, including PC, Mac, and Linux machines, and accessing shared files from those systems.Įditing or creating text files, such as those controlling configuration for the Pi’s hardware, and individual programmes.įor RetroPie, adding or tailoring configuration to support additional hardware, including USB adaptors allowing the use of original controllers for systems such as the PlayStation, N64, Megadrive/ Genesis, and the wireless Xbox 360 pad.Ĭommand prompt - Image: Topics Covered in this Guide Running integrity checks on the filesystem. Monitoring the system hardware, viewing temperature, voltage, and component speed information. Obtaining a real-time view of running programmes and processes, including their memory and CPU usage. You can use the command shell to accomplish tasks including: You don’t need to become a Linux guru to make use of a wide range of handy commands and tools to get the most out of the Raspberry Pi, even when using an all-in-one image such as RetroPie. To customise your Raspberry Pi generally requires a little knowledge of the command shell, even if only running the menu-driven Raspbian configuration tool the operative word being little. A Basic Guide to Using Several Handy Linux Command Line / Shell Commands and Tools

Raspberry pi mac emulator file system